Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Who or what helps you keep your new year's resolutions?
We endure our triumps and of course, our forgets. Rather than call them failures, I call them forgets--that is what happens: we forget what we resolve to do in January by the time February's Valentine sugar cookies hit the table. That's just life.

Are you using technology to track your resolutions? Lucky for us, I have a fairy Googlemother. Instantly, upon search engine wish, Keep It Real: 8 Services To Make Your New Year's Resolutions Stick appears on my screen. Fairy Googlemother knows all.

What I found was websites offering accountability aids for resolutions and smartphone apps for tracking life goals. All inspiring and most free, are these tools used by all, some, most or just the overachieving personal coach?

Despite the bells and whistles of technology, I find myself not quite ready to enlist and decide to resolve with incremental steps that when combined, result in a greater balanced achievement for me. For simpler life solutions, I found these fun resolutions. With the resolution Smile More topping the list, who wouldn't succeed in these goals?

Back with fairy Googlemother, I wish for patchwork app or websites to increase my sew time or perfect my quilting stitches. Nothing particular to those tasks was granted, but quilting aids such as Easy Quilt or BlockFab were revealed and available for download.

In our latest Irish Quilting issue, read quilting resolutions that are more traditional and true to turning over the stitched leaf of the new year. Remembering to achieve that goal of finishing UFOs (one a month?) or equal opportunity stash buster (if the fabric is still ugly, it's not cut into small enough piece) is still key.

I share these same goals and yet, I've managed to post-resolve: Download and Experience a Quilting App.

Any suggestions for which quilt app I should try?

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

KerryFelter said...

I am resolved to dye more of my own fabrics! Now I just need a bit of dry weather....x