You can imagine my embarrassment when it was quickly revealed that the "Horse Show" is so much more than horses, jumps and hay. The Dublin Horse Show, indeeds caters for everyone with an exhibition of crafts and antiques, a diverse range of shopping among exhibitor booths.
Now, a good few years later, although sure to be a good showcase, the horse show is the lesser of the excitement for our crafts in Ireland. In conjunction to the Horse Show, each year the RDS holds their RDS National Crafts Competition. It is a juried showing and involves more than €28,000 is prize winnings.
In fact, in 2010, Cork-based quilter, Mary Palmer, scooped the overall show prize, as well as three other winning placements. The talent and beauty that is entered into this show is incredible.

As I sat in our meeting yesterday, it was overwhelming to think of the immense talent and ambitition that filled the room. Most attendees were representatives of guilds and associations. Everyone from woodcutters to feltmakers, to lacemakers to goldsmiths. A tighter niche, though equally well represented, sub group makes up the working committee for the RDS National Crafts Competition. The purpose of our meeting was to open discussion for feedback and suggestions from the craft community as a whole. It was impressive. The RDS is to be commended for holding such a prestigious competition and the craft organisers around the table, hugely commended for the efforts put forth by all the entries and supporters.
Entries in photo format are to be in by 8 May. We await the many talented artists.
Are you one of them?