In fact, I bet there are a few good men, who upon hearing "Win a Horizon Memory Craft"--well, they just might get behind you thinking they might win a luxory ship! I've only just now, realised the name Horizon Memory Craft rings just a bit like a luxory computerised nautical ride into the great sunset, of course without the seasickness and sand in your shoes!
For months now, entry forms have come in. There were several that came in past the December deadline, but most importantly is the 31 January deadline for the actual blocks! Depending where you live, this may be your last full week to create your stunner entry.
While none of us at Irish Quilting can compete in the contest, there is nothing against us having some fun alongside. I'm personally hosting a sewing weekend where I hope to see a few entry blocks come to life.
I'm a gal who likes themes. and sewing. and food. What about a quilting party for sewing and eating, where everything is layered as in a quilt? Can you imagine the fun with pastry layering? Sandwich fillers? Stackable appetisers? A bartender in my former life, heck, I can even layer a few beverages.
While everyone's creating blocks, I have my own sewing UFOs that need attention, so the Food and Drink quilts will just have to wait out another soire.
Looking for more themes, I read up on the date of our quilt block party: 22 January. Turns out, on that date in 1927 was the first live radio commentary of a football match anywhere in the world, between Arsenal F.C. and Sheffield United in England. I thought we could honor it and our party by listening to football nonstop as we quilt. Then I thought again.
Sometimes you just have to go with what you know. I love nothing more than to do up oldies but goodies that I miss and love from America. Warm chocolate chip cookies, refreshing tart lemonade, tantalising 7-layer chip and dip and standby Lipton Onion dip. Sooooo American. There you have it. Saturday we will be sewing all day and eating American treats. Sew American.
What sewing session party themes would you RSVP yes too?
That said, if you're in Ireland this coming Saturday, in County Wicklow vicinity, drop a line and come sew Irish-like and eat American-like!