Today I sat watching the snow swirl round and round outside. A real blizzard unfolded before my eyes. Earlier I arrived in the office and found the Internet down. If I didn't know better, this day was bound to be wrapped tightly in a quilt and treated to hot cocoa.
I don't know about you, and contrary to that image, these are the days I'm most productive. The Internet is off. The elements urge you indoors. Nothing to do really, but work. Head down and bum up.
Rebecca would always say that. She did a lot of our longarming last year. This fall, she and her family moved home to Australia. 'Head down and bum up' was her way of saying she was a busy bee, tied to her longarm and creating a masterpiece. We miss her, head, bum and masterpieces!
While my head was down, and my bum planted firmly at my desk, I may not have created masterpieces, but there was work done. Between the weather and the winter holidays where most Irish companies, banks, offices--anyone who does not run their own business--close for 57 days in December and January, it can be challenging to conduct business to business. Which brings us back to head down, bum up. Writing, planning, preparing and a bit of house cleaning and my desk is rattling with efficiency. Kinda reminds me of 1993, before Internet flowed freely into our homes.
Every so often, I'd return to the window and ponder the forecast. My DH is a forecast groupie. He will schedule showers, meals, work and even a pint, around weather forecasts. He follows weather warnings as if his living is dependent on the earth's natural elements. Whereas, I'm zoned to follow whether my hair dresser works on Saturdays, when Moda debuts a new paisley line, or whether the substitute postman is on, delaying our mail delivery from 9am to 4pm. Priorities, I know.
So when there's a raging cold front for 11 days, it's kinda good to be married to a forecast groupie. He's kept me in tune, as much as I hate being held back, keeping me safe and sound indoors. Four canceled errands, a postponed interview in Cork, and 20 gorgeous donated quilts lying in wait, the snow and ice has severly stalled some plans of action.
And I haven't even mentioned the magazines. Vol II, Issue 1!
Oh, I hope the kind courier is lovingly draping and holding tight the several pallets of newborns as they cross the seas and struggle the frozen transition to destinations. The office here is atop a mountain and DH reported--ah, his weather vigil work pays off--the road leading down and beyond is a slippery slope with cars littered haphazardly in ditches and driveways.
We await the new issue with open warm arms! Drive safe everyone.